Thursday, September 22, 2011

Napkin continued

As promised yesterday, here one more way how to use a napkin in a different way, this time a little bit easier, no sewing involved...
Just throw it in on the table, and arrange some flowers and or candles on it and you have a perfect tablecloth
I love to use things in a different way, and I hope this inspires you to do the same!
Xoxo Nina

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

napkin converted into pillow cover

I have been searching for a cute pillow cover for my dinning room chairs like crazy. I needed something with red in it but not to much, a fun design but not to busy and to bright, as the room is already decorated with lots of stuff and I didn't want to make it too busy...
But I could't find anything that matched, so I started looking for fabric until I came across these napkins at West Elm, which had the perfect size and design, for my purpose

I just needed to sew them together, really easy, and on top it saved me a lot of time, cutting and trimming fabric.
Here is my stool before, with the still blank pillow on it

And here after with the napkins converted into pillow covers

I love how it turned out, and it did not only safe me time and work but also money. The napkins were on sale for $3 a piece, I needed 8 to make it work for my pillows which came out to 24$. 
This is a cheap way to make your own custom pillow covers, usually one store bought cover costs way more than that, and even buying a nice fabric and sewing it yourself would have cost more then converting a napkin into a cover!
And here a final shot of my dining room set with my new pillow covers

Tomorrow I will show you another simple way, how to get more use out of a "napkin"...
Xoxo Nina